St. Stephen's Musings

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:: St. Stephen's Musings

:: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 ::

A "NeoTheologue" Looks at Scripture, Tradition, and Ecclesiology

A new blogging friend of mine has crafted an in-depth critique of a popular Orthodox essay. While reading the critique I spotted several false dichotomies (which, for the most part, are the foundation of the problems in his analysis) but I also agreed with a few points (surprised?) and also realized there are still many misconceptions of what Orthodoxy is and what we teach about the nature of the Church in his thoughts.

His comments box has a word limit (tricky there, my friend!), so I will work on a response to be posted here in the next week or two. In the meantime give his thoughts a read and join the discussion!

:: Karl :: 1:36:00 PM [Link] ::

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