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:: St. Stephen's Musings

:: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 ::

ESOB Update: A New Unofficial Listing of Orthodox Blogs

For those of you wondering, Dean and I are almost finished with the details of the Orthodox cache at blogs4God and we should be up and running in the next week or two. At this point it looks like we will have the Thursday slot.

Below are listed all 41 Ortho-bloggers that I know about and keep up with as well as 5 inquirers. (North Door made an unofficial list like this a while back, but this is my updated version.) This list does not include livejournalers. If you are not listed please let me know so I can add you. If anyone knows of Orthodox blogs that are not on this list *please* send me an email.

Once we are up and running at b4g, if you feel like you have a post worthy of a cache please send me an email letting me know. As moderator I will try and keep things as fair and as interesting as I can.

Here we are, listed in no particular order. (I would post links but I don't have the time):
Huw of Doxos, James of the NW, Clifton Healy, Kevin Basil, James of KY, David Holford, Bishop's Tower, Fr. Hans , Robert's Reflections, North Door, Sunday to Sunday, Serge, Morning Coffee, Havdala, In Communion, Pensate Omnia, Anthony Cook, Tikhon, Newman, Wayne O., Jeremy Stock, Fly in the Oil, Chris Davis, Justin Martyr, Violent Munkee, Meletao, Analysis Analyzed, Nicholas, Seraphim Sighs, So Joyful, Confessio, Anathemata, Chris Naughton, Moose, Glen, Sockmonk, World Tim, Andrew (Kingtroll), Dr. Bacchus, Lola, Simeon

Inquirers: Erica, Sacred Insomnia, Jakob, Mea, Life's Cocktails

:: Karl :: 9:53:00 AM [Link] ::

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