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:: Saturday, September 06, 2003 ::

Unity, Exploration, and Introversion: Another Round of Interviews

Interview Questions for Paul:

1) I have written in the past about my desire to live in a more intentional community; specifically a "lay ascetic" co-housing situation. In your 9/5 post, you wrote about "urban monastic communities" saying, "I wonder if community is possible at all in our self-centered culture, without intentionality, without my intentionally working to remain in �communion� with you, and you with me?" Can you expand your thoughts on this?
2) What are the 5 most influential books you've read this past year?
3) How do you see your life mirroring the sentiments expressed in the quote from T.S. Eliot that you have on your mast head? In terms of theology or ecclesial issues, do you think there will be a time in your life when intense exploration might cease or at least make way for a more focused pursuit?
4) Tell us a little about what you've learned about being a husband and father. How have these relationships challenged you?
5) I originally came across your blog about 9 months ago through James Ferrenberg. Over time, I've noticed that he is the lone Orthodox link on several Protestant blogs, including yours. What is your relationship with James? How did you find his blog?

Interview Questions for James:

1) What is your favorite fiction book of all time?
2) Did you play a sport in high-school? If so, what was your experience like? If not, do you wish you had?
3) You battle with shyness and have written extensively about this battle. How have you grown in this over the past year? Since becoming Orthodox?
4) It has been several months since you lasted updated your fiction blog. Are you still writing?
5) What are your impressions and views of blogging?

Interview Questions for Basil:

1) Why did you pick St. Basil as your patron saint?
2) As a teen you were involved with, as you put it, "the popular format of Pentecostal, charismatic, and "non-denominational" churches" but later realized that they were unable to create authentic unity amongst members. As a former Episcopalian, and Roman Catholic, how has your understanding of the importance of unity changed since becoming Orthodox?
3) How did you get involved with computers and web design?
4) Do you think that God is calling you to the priesthood? Tonsured monastic life?
5) You attend a small Orthodox parish. What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of your parish?

:: Karl :: 9:27:00 PM [Link] ::

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